The Best Carpet Cleaning Methods to Remove Tough Stains

When it comes to keeping your carpets looking their best, nothing is more frustrating than dealing with tough stains. These unsightly blemishes can be difficult to remove, whether it’s a spilled glass of red wine or a muddy paw print.

Fortunately, several carpet cleaning methods can help you tackle even the toughest of stains. This article will discuss some of the best ways to remove stubborn spots from your carpets and keep them looking new.

The Most Common Tough Stains On Carpets

Carpets are prone to all sorts of tough stains, from pet accidents to food and drink spills. Some of the most common tough stains on carpets include:

Pet urine and feces: These can be particularly difficult to remove, as they often contain bacteria that can cause permanent staining.

Red wine: The tannins in red wine can cause permanent staining if not treated quickly.

Grease and oil: These can be especially difficult to remove, as they often penetrate deep into the fibres of the carpet.

Coffee and tea: The caffeine in these beverages can leave behind a yellowish stain that is hard to remove.

Ink: Ink stains can be difficult to remove, as the dye can penetrate deep into the fibres of the carpet.

Mud: Mud can leave behind a dark stain that is hard to remove without professional help.

Blood: Blood stains are notoriously difficult to remove, as they contain proteins that can cause permanent staining.

Juice and soda: The sugar in these beverages can cause discolouration and staining if not treated quickly.

Makeup: Makeup stains are often very stubborn and require special cleaning solutions to remove them completely.

How Do Professionals Clean Tough Carpet Stains?

Professional carpet cleaners have the experience and knowledge to tackle even the toughest of stains. They use a variety of techniques and products to remove stubborn spots from carpets, including hot water extraction, steam cleaning, dry cleaning, and spot cleaning.

Hot Water Extraction

Hot water extraction is one of the most effective methods for removing tough stains from carpets. This method involves using hot water and a cleaning solution to break down and lift dirt, debris, and stains from the carpet fibres. The hot water also helps sanitize the carpet, killing bacteria and other germs lurking in your carpets. To use this method, you will need a carpet cleaning machine that is capable of producing hot water and a cleaning solution.

Dry Cleaning

Dry cleaning is another great option for removing tough stains from carpets. This method involves using a dry cleaning powder to absorb dirt, debris, and any stubborn stains. The powder is then vacuumed up, leaving your carpets looking like new. Dry cleaning is a great option for those who don’t have access to a carpet cleaning machine or who don’t want to use hot water extraction.

Spot Cleaning

Spot cleaning is a great way to tackle tough stains on your carpets. This method involves using a spot cleaner and a clean cloth to scrub the stained area gently. Spot cleaners are designed to break down and lift dirt, debris, and stains from the carpet fibres without damaging the carpet itself. They are also effective at killing bacteria and other germs that may be lurking in your carpets. 

Chemicals That Professionals Use to Clean Carpets

Professional carpet cleaners often use a variety of chemicals to help remove tough stains from carpets. These chemicals are designed to break down and lift dirt, debris, and stains from the carpet fibres without damaging the carpet itself. Some of the most common chemicals used by professional carpet cleaners include:

  • Enzymes – Enzymes are proteins that help break down organic matter, such as pet urine and feces.
  • Detergents – Detergents are designed to break down dirt, debris, and stains from the carpet fibres.
  • Oxidizers – Oxidizers help to break down organic matter, such as grease and oil.
  • Solvents – Solvents are designed to dissolve tough stains, such as red wine and coffee.

When it comes to carpet cleaning products, there are a variety of brands available on the market. Some of the best brands for carpet cleaning products include Bissell, Hoover, and Rug Doctor.

Bissell is one of the leading manufacturers of carpet cleaning machines and solutions. Their machines use hot water extraction to remove dirt, debris, and stains from carpets without damaging them. They also offer a wide range of spot cleaners and detergents designed to break down tough stains from carpets.

Hoover is another popular brand of carpet cleaning products. Their machines use hot water extraction to remove dirt, debris, and stains from carpets without damaging them. They also offer a wide range of spot cleaners and detergents designed to break down tough stains from carpets.

Rug Doctor is another great option for those looking for carpet cleaning products. Their machines use hot water extraction to remove dirt, debris, and stains from carpets without damaging them. They also offer a wide range of spot cleaners and detergents that are designed to break down tough stains from carpets.

No matter what type of stain you’re dealing with, it’s important to act quickly and use the right cleaning method. Professional carpet cleaners have the experience and knowledge to tackle even the toughest stains. They use various techniques and products to remove stubborn spots from carpets, including hot water extraction, steam cleaning, dry cleaning, and spot cleaning. Using the right method and the right products, you can ensure that your carpets look new.

Additional Methods to Remove Tough Stains

In addition to the methods mentioned above, there are a few other ways to remove tough stains from carpets. One of these is using a carpet shampooer. This method involves using a special cleaning solution, a carpet shampooer, enzyme cleaners, and steam cleaning.

Enzyme Cleaners

Enzyme cleaners are a great option for removing tough stains from carpets. These cleaners contain enzymes that break down and lift dirt, debris, and stains from the carpet fibres. They are also effective at killing bacteria and other germs that may be lurking in your carpets. Enzyme cleaners are available in liquid and powder form, so you can choose the one that best suits your needs.


Shampooing is another great option for removing tough stains from carpets. This method involves using a carpet shampoo and a carpet cleaning machine to break down and lift dirt, debris, and stains from the carpet fibres. The shampoo also helps to sanitize the carpet, killing bacteria and other germs that may be lurking in your carpets. To use this method, you will need a carpet cleaning machine capable of producing hot water and carpet shampoo.

Steam Cleaning

Steam cleaning is another great option for removing tough stains from carpets. This method uses a steam cleaner and a cleaning solution to break down and lift dirt, debris, and stains from the carpet fibres. The steam also helps sanitize the carpet, killing bacteria and other germs lurking in your carpets. To use this method, you will need a steam cleaner capable of producing hot steam and a cleaning solution.

Do-It-Yourself Carpet Cleaning Products You Can Make at Home

Do-it-yourself carpet cleaning products are a great way to tackle tough stains without hiring a professional. There are several DIY products that you can make at home using common household items.

One of the most popular DIY carpet cleaning products is a mixture of white vinegar and water. This solution is effective at breaking down dirt, debris, and stains from the carpet fibres. It is also effective at killing bacteria and other germs lurking in your carpets.

Another popular DIY carpet cleaning product is a mixture of baking soda and water. This solution effectively eliminates dirt, debris, and stains from the carpet fibres. It is also effective at deodorising carpets and removing odours.

Finally, you can make a DIY carpet cleaning product using a mixture of dish soap and water. This solution is effective at breaking down dirt, debris, and stains from the carpet fibres. It also kills bacteria and other germs lurking in your carpets.

Do Baking Soda Deep Clean Carpets?

Baking soda is a great option for deep cleaning carpets. This natural product effectively removes dirt, debris, and stains from carpet fibres. It is also effective at deodorising carpets and removing odours. To use baking soda for deep cleaning carpets, you will need to mix it with water to create a paste-like solution. Once the paste has been applied to the carpet, you can use a brush or vacuum to work it into the fibres. After allowing the paste to sit for several minutes, you can then vacuum up the baking soda and dirt.

Why is The Carpet Still Dirty After Cleaning?

If your carpet is still dirty after cleaning, there are a few possible reasons. The first is that the cleaning method you used was ineffective enough to remove all the dirt and debris from the carpet fibres. This could be because you needed to use the right type of cleaner or more of it. Another possibility is that the dirt and debris were too deeply embedded in the carpet fibres for the cleaner to reach. Finally, it is possible that the dirt and debris were partially removed during the cleaning process.

How Can a Professional Carpet Cleaning Business Help

A professional carpet cleaning business can help to ensure that your carpets are thoroughly cleaned and free of dirt, debris, and stains. Professional carpet cleaners have the experience and expertise to use the right cleaning methods and products for your specific type of carpet. They also have access to powerful equipment that can reach deep into the fibres of your carpets to remove even the toughest stains. Furthermore, professional carpet cleaners can provide advice on how to maintain your carpets and keep them looking their best.

How to Prevent Having Tough Stains on Your Carpet

Preventing tough stains on your carpet is key to keeping it looking its best. Here are a few tips to help you avoid having tough stains on your carpet:

  1. Vacuum Regularly – Vacuuming regularly helps remove dirt and debris from the surface of the carpet, preventing it from becoming stained. Make sure to vacuum at least once a week or more if you have pets or children.
  2. Use Doormats – Placing doormats at your home entrance can help trap dirt and debris before it gets tracked onto your carpets.
  3. Spot Clean Immediately – If you notice a spill on your carpet, make sure to spot-clean it immediately. This will help to prevent the stain from setting in and becoming more difficult to remove.
  4. Use Stain Resistant Carpet – Investing in stain-resistant carpets can help to prevent tough stains from setting in and becoming more difficult to remove.
  5. Use Protective Coverings – Placing protective coverings on furniture and other items placed on your carpets can help prevent staining.
  6. Clean Up Pet Accidents Immediately – If you have pets, clean up any pet accidents immediately to prevent them from staining the carpet.
  7. Avoid Wearing Shoes Inside – Ask family members and guests to remove their shoes before entering your home. This will help to prevent dirt and debris from being tracked onto the carpets.
  8. Use Carpet Protectors – Investing in carpet protectors can help prevent dirt and debris from penetrating the carpet fibres, making removing tough stains easier.
  9. Avoid Eating or Drinking on the Carpet – Eating or drinking on the carpet can lead to spills and stains that are difficult to remove. Make sure to keep food and drinks away from your carpets.
  10. Use Professional Cleaners – If you have tough stains that are difficult to remove, it is best to call in a professional carpet cleaner. They can use specialized cleaning methods and products to remove the toughest of stains.


In conclusion, there are a variety of methods that can be used to remove tough stains from carpets. Regular vacuuming, using doormats, spot cleaning immediately, using stain-resistant carpets, protective coverings, and carpet protectors, cleaning up pet accidents, avoiding wearing shoes inside the house, and avoiding eating or drinking on the carpet are all effective ways to prevent tough stains from forming in the first place.

If these methods fail to remove the stain, it is best to call in a professional carpet cleaner who will be able to use specialized cleaning methods and products to get rid of even the toughest of stains. Regardless of your chosen method, it’s important to remember that regular maintenance is key to keeping your carpets looking their best. Vacuuming regularly and spot cleaning as soon as a stain appears can help keep your carpets looking new for years to come.